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公司简介: 3CC牌扑克|中山市联凯印刷有限公司  
  3CC牌扑克使用了独一无二、无与伦比的纸浆制成,由中山市联凯印刷有限公司(L.K.)于1992年开始生产。3CC牌扑克是用精选的混合原材料制作,优于其他任何品牌的扑克牌。每一副3CC牌俱乐部专用扑克从纸张制造到扑克牌到达消费者手中需要经过200道独立工序。经历10多年的不断改进,3CC牌扑克臻于完美,具有 独特的手感、声响和耐久性,是其他厂商难以复制的。此外,3CC牌还获得了7项设计专利,包括外包装、独立小包装、大小王牌、 黑桃K以及两张替牌的设计专利。

3CC playing cards, with their unique and unmatched card stock, have been manufactured by Zhong Shan Lian Kai Printing Company Limited (L.K.) since 1996. Produced by L.K. from a blend of selected ingredients and materials, the 3CC card stock is superior to that of any other brand of playing cards. L.K. performs more than 200 separate operations in the production of a 3CC Club Special deck; from the marking of the paper until the finished deck reached the consumer. This customized process perfected after more than 10 years, results in the 3CC playing cards having the unique fee, snap and durability that cannot be duplicated by other manufacturers. Moreover, 3CC brand has obtained 7 design patents, including the exterior package, the case, the jokers, ace of spades and the two replacement cards.
Look for the original Diamond Back design only on 3CC playing cards.

主要产品: 3CC牌扑克、俱乐部专用扑克  
联系方式: 电话:0760-6695578
相关标签: 广东扑克厂 扑克牌生产厂家名录  
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